Vocabulary – Part 15

Vocal Bridge :

Also known as Passaggio or sometimes a vocal break, these are pitch ranges where a singer has to shift between registers. Sometimes this will coincide with a noticeable pitch gap, change in tone, temporary jump beyond the desired pitch, or other problems. Typically, these bridge areas can be reduced in size or eliminated through training.

Bar/Measure and Hypermeasure:

A combination of measures of length X surrounded by other hypermeasures of length X where each hypermsure has it’s own “feel”.  Similar to a phrase, but to be a hypermeasure it must be with other hypermeasures.


A person who conducts a music group or ensemble. Director: a person who directs an entire performance, which may include music, acting, dancing, props, etc. In a performance that is onlymusic, the conductor and director are often the same person, and used interchangeably.

Alto Clef:

The clef between the bass and treble clefs.  The alto clef is centered on middle C and is used by multiple instruments such as the viola, English horn, and trombone.  Higher notes played on a double bass or bass guitar are also in the alto clef range.  A picture of the clef may be found here: http://nmelementarystrings.weebly.com/viola-alto-clef.html


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